Our Services

Delivering safe and premium products for consumers across the globe.

We support our clients and adapt rapidly changing environments by remaining deeply rooted in our field. Through our tireless efforts to innovate and sustainably develop healthy relationships with global partners, we are able to deliver safe premium products for consumers. All our services are toward satisfying our client’s needs by bringing them optimal value through:

Sourcing Quality Products

It is our job to collectively share industry knowledge, ensure successful arrivals, and control the amount of product needed seasonally to efficiently supply our clients’ need.

Food Safety/Quality Control

Our HACCP Certification and Canadian Produce marketing Association (CPMA) monitoring and ensuring safe top-quality products are delivered to consumers, satisfaction.


Our helpful and experienced staff, in combination with our vast network within Southern Ontario can help grow your idea and or product throughout the region.

Transportation and Logistics

We provide complete transport, reporting, and delivery assurance services, to our clients

Our Accreditations

Our Affiliates

When Glen Echo Fresh Produce Mexico was established, as part of Glen Echo Fresh Produce Brand vision to establish global partnerships with the focus of making our organization more agile in a fast paced rapidly changing produce industry. With the successful launch of Glen Echo Fresh Produce Mexico, we are proud to have embarked on an environmentally sustainable, and socially conscious program that delivers mangoes at conventional prices to consumers.

  1. Glen Echo Nurseries
  2. Autobahn Freight Lines
  3. ASL Global Logistics
  4. ASL Global Supply Chain Solutions

Glen Echo Fresh Produce has its own Cold Storage, a team of diligent qualified, and experienced staff in all areas of the produce industry as well as a logistics department equipped to provide our clients with the best possible service requirements.

Our state-of-the-art facility and cooling management system ensures temperature consistency, designed to preserve product shelf life. At our Cold Storage, we aim to satisfy our client’s cold storage and shipping needs through.

For more info Visit: www.glenechofresh.com

Cold Storage Services

– Long- & Short-term cold storage

– Repacking

– Cross docks loading